Fat Loss Stack
The unique combination of nutrients found in this stack aims to support sustainable fat loss while enhancing metabolism, supporting muscle retention and gut health.

I can tell a huge difference in my digestion and in the amount of energy I have throughout the day.
Janine H.
Verified Customer
Firestarter includes suet (perinephric kidney fat) and helps to increase energy, improve exercise performance, mood, insulin sensitivity, and mitochondrial fat burning.
Suet is derived from the fat surrounding the kidneys and organs in cattle. It contains saturated fats such as stearic acid, which play a vital role in the health of our mitochondria. It and other fatty acids in suet are satiating, aid in appetite regulation, and lead to a reduction in visceral adipose tissue. Further, they contribute to cognitive, hormonal, and cardiovascular health.

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The combined power of Fire Starter, Gut & Digestion, and Warrior includes vital and potent essential nutrients.
Stearic Acid
A crucial fatty acid that turns on mitochondrial fat-burning cells to help with weight and energy.
Essential fatty acids
Support immune and cardiovascular health, as well as healthy weight management.
Vitamin E
A powerful fat-soluble vitamin that acts like as an antioxidant to fight inflammation, as well as supports cardiovascular, immune, eye, and skin health.
Vitamin K2
A critical fat-soluble vitamin that supports cardiovascular health, bone health, and anticarcinogenic activities.
Alpha defensins 5 and 6
Antimicrobial peptides involved in the immune response.
Gastrin-releasing Peptide
Also known as GPR, this peptide is found in pancreatic tissue and supports digestive processes by stimulating the release of enzymes, bicarbonate, and fluids.
A vital mineral involved in antioxidant defense (Super Oxide Dismutase), thyroid function, bone health, blood sugar regulation, as well as wound healing and collagen production.
A critical mineral for thyroid function (iodothyronine deiodinanses) and immune health/antioxidant defense (glutathione peroxidase, thioredoxin reductase).
Hepcidin Peptide
A peptide directly involved in iron metabolism as well as the innate immune response.
Splenin, Tuftsin and Splenopentin Peptides
Exclusively found in splenic tissue which enhances immune function.
Ergothioneine Peptide
An amino acid found in liver, kidney, and bone marrow found to support detoxification and longevity pathways.
Liver Expressed Antimicrobial Peptide
Also known as LEAP-2. This peptide is involved in immune response and glucose metabolism.
A B3 vitamin essential for cardiovascular health, mood, cognition, and energy.
Copper, biotin, and CoQ10
Crucial for metabolism, mood, and energy, as well as the health of skin, hair, and nails.
Riboflavin, folate, B12, and choline
Essential for red blood cell formation, brain, reproductive, and cardiovascular health.
Lipase, Protease, and Amylase
Enzymes to help break down macronutrients like fat, protein and carbohydrates.
Colipase, Trypsin, and Pancreatic Peptide
Support the activation of enzymes needed to break down protein and help with food allergies by improving digestion.
Heart is nature's richest source of CoQ10, a nutrient shown to improve mitochondrial function and energy production, and to enhance exercise performance.
Anserine & Carnosine
Two amino acids which are effective in reducing muscle fatigue and improving antioxidant activity.
Improves muscle function and exercise performance through the reduction of reactive oxygen species. Is also a powerful antioxidant in muscle tissue and improves insulin sensitivity.
Heart is one of nature's richest sources of this nutrient, which is crucial for muscle growth and recovery, and essential for energy production in the muscles.
Required to produce energy (ATP) in the muscles, and to protect against muscle damage. Improves sport and gym performance in elite athletes.
Vitamin A
Essential for muscle growth and recovery; protein synthesis and testosterone production.
A crucial amino acid required to speed up muscle recovery and reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness.
A critical trace mineral required for red blood cell formation and the repair of muscle tissue.

All I can say is wow!! I’ve lost 15lbs and blood pressure is down. Best I’ve felt in years!
Heath D.
Verified Customer
Fat Loss Stack
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How to Use
Take 6 capsules, once daily, of each supplement. If you’re new to taking organ supplements, start with 1-2 capsules of each daily for the first week before increasing by one capsule daily. Consistent long-term use provides the best results.
Our Fat Loss Stack aims to support sustainable fat loss while enhancing metabolism, supporting muscle retention and gut health.
Rigorous third-party testing by independent labs during and after manufacturing. Quality and purity information can be provided upon request.
100% additive, hormone, allergen, antibiotic, pesticide, and GMO-free. Freeze-dried. Pure nose-to-tail nourishment.
Fat Loss Stack Questions
This stack is for individuals who want comprehensive nutritional support to aid sustainable fat loss, while maintaining muscle mass and energy.
The combination of products in this stack work synergistically to deliver a wide range of highly bioavailable Vitamins, Minerals, Peptides, and Essential Fatty Acids that support healthy fat loss.